Raspberry Pi Remote Debugging In .net Core

Since .net core has the ability to run on both Linux and Windows I wanted to explore running code on the Raspberry Pi. I quickly came to the conclusion that I would most likely want to debug my code on the actual Raspberry Pi since I was curious about interacting with the GPIO.

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Ui Testing With Selenium

During my tenure as a developer I have run across a few instances where creating UI tests against a web app was imperative to the project.

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Microsoft Graph Load Test

While working on a project where I was making requests to MS Graph I became curious about how many requests I could make before there was any kind of denial of service. Also, what did the response look like when the request was not being serviced?

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Application Insights and Table Storage CreateIfNotExists

With the CSharp version of the API to the Table Service getting access to a CloudTable is done through an instance of the CloudTableClient object by calling GetTableReference("your-table-name") . Wanting to write code that can handle if the table does not already exist is nice to attempt to prevent errors in making requests to tables that are non-existent. Luckily the CloudTable object has a nice method called CreateIfNotExists.

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Sql Containers

When you are working as a software developer, especially at a consulting company, having multiple solution setups is not something that is unfamiliar to you. If you have been in the industry for even a small period of time you have likely installed SQL Server on your development machine to give yourself the ability to develop and test your work locally.

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